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Goodbye Love~~~Hello FOOD!

Marinating the fish!
Tasting the Pork Casserole

Filling for the rolls
Well, I am not in a romantic relationship now and for the meantime, I would like to focus myself into my studies and to my family. Nowadays, I get to experience a lot of things in a new and fresh light and Sunday mornings become a welcoming respite after a week of working like a dog and burning my midnight lamp. Juggling school and work is no easy task especially that you are expected to be the best that you can since you are in a position at work and to be academically competent in order that you can maintain your scholarship. All these stress resulted in my stress-eating which I found out is not healthy especially for a person at my age (I am proud to turn 30 on April 17). So, instead of making it a negative vibe, I tried to make it more positive and channel this into something productive. In my aunt's house, where I usually stay every weekend and holidays, I spend most of my time forcing my cousins to eat more, much to my dismay. And then, I made it a habit to cook there even though there is no occasion. I cook for my brothers when they are here on a visit, I cook for our viand whenever I stay there, I cook side dishes when we decide to have some rounds of drinks there, I cook for myself, for my family, my relatives, for guests. Basically I cook for anyone! And with this, I reduce my stress, and it made my cousins eat more because in every meal I prepare, I make sure that I put in a dash of love for the family to have a hearty and healthy meal. A simple food could become a feast when we surround the table and enjoy the meal that was prepared for us. People might be curious about the title of this page, well, it's a just~~~that. Now that I am freer I want to savor my freedom and to put all my energies into something that I am good at and that is cooking and writing. 

Prepping the Shanghai rolls
Well, why do I love cooking? Cooking is probably in my blood. My mom is a good cook, my aunts (maternal side) are good cooks, my grandmoms are good cooks and among the five of us (all male siblings), I was assigned in cooking when my mom decided that we need to learn housework. Well, compared to cleaning the house, washing the dishes, ironing and washing of clothes, cooking is a less stressful kind of housework and was I happy I got to do this? More than I asked for, you can say. That's probably I am very much enthusiastic in cooking because I can find happiness doing it and most of the time, I get lots of satisfaction when I see people eating the food I prepared with gusto. Also, I usually feel very happy when people will compliment my food and some even would ask me to cook in their house and my friends would also ask me to prepare certain dishes on their birthday or when we hang out. Cooking is a lot of fun and it also shows how creative we are as individuals through the food that we prepare and share during mealtime... Cook with me!